"..Amazing Grace..": Kut'rima Janji Allah dari Kaum Yehuda

Rabu, Januari 05, 2011

I'm 27 Years Old..

Ajar aku Bapa menghitung hari-hari. Agar aku beroleh hati bijaksana.. Terima kasih Tuhan untuk anugerah-Mu yang masih mempercayakan nafas kehidupan, kesehatan, ruang dan waktu bagiku untuk hidup di dunia ini.
Ajari aku turut kehendak-Mu. Sebab rencanamu akan indah dalah hidupku, dan aku akan Engkau pakai menjadi alat-Mu.

Bapaku ajaib s'gala rancanganMu. Tuhanku,, heran perbuatan-Mu. Engkau sanggup melakukan segala yang kuperlukan. Menurut kehendakMu,,terjadilah...

Tentulah banyak angan, harap dan citaku di tahun 2011 ini. Saya awali, lewati dan akhiri bersama Tuhan Yesus. Haleluya!!!

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10 komentar:

  1. Hi Laston! I'm sorry it's been so long since I wrote you. I have been sick, so I haven't even been on my computer. I'm better now though and back on track. Sorry I missed your Birthday! A belated Happy Birthday! I will turn 57 years old on the 20th of January. Your post was a beautiful tribute to God. I have a blog post I would like you to look at. The Blog's title is My Christian Diary. Here is the address:

    Just copy and paste it in your web browser window and click. It should take you right to her post. I think it might be beneficial to your getting God's Word out. I am letting a lot of my blogger friends who are trying to get God's Word out to those who are lost, or don't know about God, or even those who might be oppressed and are afraid to learn about Him.

    God Bless,


  2. selamat siang disini,
    happy birthday to you.
    semoga segalanya makin sukses dan baik.

  3. HBD LastoN!... WYATB
    #singkat amat yak.. hehehe

    sorri telat ngcapinnya, yang penting semoga semua wishesnya terkabul

  4. Hi Laston! It's me again! I just wanted to ask you if you actually do the quizzes I write on Sundays? I do one every Sunday evening. With the exception of this last one, I usually add the scriptures where you can find the answers in your Bible. I meant to ask you do you have a Bible? If not, can you read English? Please let me know. I'm glad you liked the quiz.

    God Bless,

  5. bagus bgt...
    Happy birthday ya!!!

  6. Happy birthday ya :D
    ketauan lahiran 84 yaa hehe beda satu tahun ma ak :p


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